In Memory of





Condolence From: Betty & John Malmo
Condolence: We treasure the days of our association with John Robert and Arnold Industries. John Robert truly was a most remarkable man, and he wore that unforgettable smile constantly.
Tuesday August 29, 2017
Condolence From: Bill fox
Condolence: Mary Ann. We really appreciated knowing you and John Robert. He was a giant of a man . John will be missed by so many. Our prayers are with you and all of the Arnold family. Mary and Bill Fox
Sunday August 27, 2017
Condolence From: Larry and Barbara Howell
Condolence: Our love and prayers to the family. We shall always remember our tour days with John Robert. Larry and Barbara Howell Louisville, MS
Saturday August 26, 2017
Condolence From: Harold Dabbs
Condolence: Great boss and a wonderful family man. I know his family will miss him, and I will too. Former employee, Harold Dabbs
Saturday August 26, 2017
Condolence From: Bill Greene
Condolence: We are thinking of you during this time of loss and sorrow. Our prayers are with you! With Our Deepest Sympathy, Bill and Ann Greene
Saturday August 26, 2017
Condolence From: Melanie Greene
Condolence: Our love and prayers are with you during this time of GREAT LOSS to you and your family! We are on a family vacation and will be in touch in the days and weeks ahead. John Robert is so much a part of our families life! Through Church, Scouts and in EVERY way he shared, encouraged, uplifted, touched and enriched our lives in unspeakable ways! Although he will be deeply missed, he will live on in our lives. Love and Prayers, The Greene Family (Charles, Melanie, Will and Matt)
Saturday August 26, 2017
Condolence From: Rick Sherman
Condolence: What a joy I had to get to sing with John Robert in the Choir for years and really get to know who he was "a true Christian ". When I read "love your neighbor as yourself" I see John Robert. Thank you for sharing him with us!
Saturday August 26, 2017
Condolence From: Alex Smith
Condolence: My condolences for your loss. Keep in mind the words of Acts 24:15. There, we are told that there will be a resurrection. Just as Jesus raised Lazarus back to life here on earth, so will he raise all who have died back to life here on earth, to live forever. Everyone has the opportunity to see their loved ones again, in perfect health in the flesh.
Saturday August 26, 2017
Condolence From: Sheryl & Robert Elmore
Condolence: John Roberts Joy and voice will be greatly missed.
Saturday August 26, 2017
Condolence From: Carol Lynn Wade Crouse
Condolence: Mr. Arnold was a very special man. He will be missed by many. May your memories of him bring you comfort at this time.
Friday August 25, 2017
Condolence From: Krish Bhansali
Condolence: Sincere sympathy
Friday August 25, 2017
Condolence From: Bill Y HelenSue Parrish
Condolence: Dear Mary Ann, Please know that our thoughts and prayers are we with you. We prized our many associations with the two of you. Bill & HelenSue
Friday August 25, 2017
Condolence From: Mozell Hull
Condolence: Sincere sympathy, Mozell Hull. I have many happy memories of bus tours with Mr. Arnold! He always showed us a good time!
Friday August 25, 2017
Condolence From: Tommy Tucker
Condolence: Such as pleasure greeting this gentleman on Sundays at FUMC Starkville. His smile and the gleam in his eye is one of the fond memories I will always have. I greatly appreciate the impact he made on my 15 year old son. After his death was announced, my son made the statement, "he was a sweet man". His contributions will be missed. Godspeed John Robert Arnold.
Friday August 25, 2017
Condolence From: Dr. Marijo Kent-First
Condolence: We are heart broken to hear that John Robert has passed away. He (and his family) welcomed us into the Sessums Community and love radiated from him! I can imagine that by now he has met up with Neal (my husband) in heaven and they are smiling and sharing good stories. Mary Ann my heart goes out to you and you are in my thoughts and prayers! With lots of love and appreciation for John Robert and his life well lived... Dr. Marijo Kent-First, Dr.'s Patrick and Brittany First and Nick First
Friday August 25, 2017
Condolence From: Mary Arnold Bellamy
Condolence: Wonderful memories from growing up in Sessums and the store and especially John Robert at the community house. My thoughts are with you.
Friday August 25, 2017
Condolence From: Dianne Eubanks Hyland
Condolence: Elizabeth and the Arnold family, I am so very sorry for your loss. So very many happy memories from our childhood, with your dad driving the church bus to Camp Lake Stephens, and so much more. I lost my mother in June, and my father passed away in 2011. It's the end of a wonderful era. My deepest sympathy, Dianne
Friday August 25, 2017
Condolence From: Molly Maughon Howard
Condolence: Dear friends and family of John Robert Arnold, A Starkville giant has left us. He leaves so many wonderful memories to so many. May we all be better persons for having known him and may we hold his joy in our hearts.
Friday August 25, 2017
Condolence From: Larry Jones
Condolence: My prayers are extended to the family with great sincerity. John Robert was a wonderful man and incredible figure for Starkville. He touched so many lives in a wonderful way. You can clearly tell that by the condolence messages, and for the words on Facebook. He was a great mentor to me as I grew at Security State Bank. Always friendly with messages of helpfulness and guidance. Just a great person. I am saddened, but so very warmed for having known John Robert. Sincere best wishes to the family. Larry Jones, Lexington, KY
Friday August 25, 2017
Condolence From: Mike Reese
Condolence: John Robert told me that he met my father, Jack Reese, way back in high school when they were elected to go to Boys State, the leadership school at the capital in Jackson, Daddy from Tupelo and John Robert from Starkville. They sat together on the bus on the way home and finding out that they both liked to sing, they led the boys on the bus in singing patriotic songs all the way home. Such were these young men from a different age and time. "The Greatest Generation" would have to be the understatement of all time. When we lose men like John Robert, there is no replacement and as a result, not just our community but the human race upon this planet suffers a grievous loss and is forever diminished. It is said and is true that behind every great man there was a great woman so, from all of us whose lives they have touched we say thank you Lord for John Robert and Mary Ann Arnold.
Friday August 25, 2017
Condolence From: Molly Lane Dunphy
Condolence: Mrs. Arnold and family, my condolences and love go out to you all on the passing of Mr. Arnold. You all were so dear to my parents, Harry and Beth Lane. Beth loved you so much, Mrs. Arnold, and she so enjoyed the bus trips with Mr. Arnold. With love, Molly
Friday August 25, 2017
Condolence From: Terry Harpole
Condolence: I was very sorry to hear about the death of Mr. John. He was distantly related to my family. I worked at Herschede Clock Company, and Mr John was always a very friendly person when he came in. About one year ago, Mr. John helped our family , in a day of presenting an oil painting to the Starkville Library, and prayed a beautiful prayer that day and made many nice comments. There will be a void now in the entire community, since he is gone. We are keeping all family in prayer.
Thursday August 24, 2017
Condolence From: Ann McAnnally
Condolence: Mr.Arnold, so dear to so many !!! One of the dearest friends I have ever had. I cherish each memory I made with him on the tours. I especially loved the ones that Mary Ann could go with us. Such a lovely family. Rest in peace my friend.
Thursday August 24, 2017
Condolence From: betty baker
Condolence: maryann and family so sorry to hear of jhon robert arnold passing i when on some bus trips and was a member of the same in starkville i will keep you and family in my paryers your friend betty baker
Thursday August 24, 2017