In Memory of





Condolence From: Shannon Vance Smith
Condolence: Ms. Pat, Stephanie, Steve and Shelley - I just wanted to let you know again how sorry I was to have learned of your dad's (husband's) passing. I am definitely thinking of all y'all, and I have some WONDERFUL memories of always seeing you two out in the yard gardening and such! You two were/are EVER so blessed to have had such a loving life together!
Monday September 16, 2019
Condolence From: Staci Morgan
Condolence: My whole life, my dad told me that I was going to be named Stacy/Staci whether I was a boy or a girl because his favorite Bulldog was a guy named Billy Stacy. I grew up hearing stories about the great Billy Stacy. A few years ago, one of my dad's friends surprised him at Applebees by bringing his friend Billy Stacy to lunch with them. My dad got to meet his favorite Bulldog and my namesake. I don't think I've ever heard my dad more excited to call me and send me the picture of them together. Then this week, he called, and his voice cracked and he told me that he heard Billy Stacy passed away. It brought tears to my eyes too- It's an honor to be named after such a great man. My deepest condolences to the Stacy family. It's so beautiful to read the tributes from the maroon and white faithful. Hopefully, he has a seat next to Jack Cristil!
Friday September 13, 2019
Condolence From: Joe Franchetti
Condolence: RIP with God Billy and Thank you for everything on and off the field..
Thursday September 12, 2019
Condolence From: Heather Welch Wolfe
Condolence: Mrs. Pat, I am so sorry to hear about the passing of Mr. Bill. I have such fond memories of him from growing up at Calvary and selling him Girl Scout cookies. He was such a wonderful, kind man.
Thursday September 12, 2019
Condolence From: Diana Crabtree
Condolence: Stephanie, we were so sad to hear the news about your dad. We have known your parents since Jake and Spence were little. Your dad was always gracious and funny when we talked. Our love to you and your mom.
Thursday September 12, 2019
Condolence From: Straton Karatassos
Condolence: To all of you, I'm terribly saddened by the news. He was a fine man and great athlete who will be fondly remembered by all Bulldogs for decades to come. He was always so good to me and always encouraging. I loved him.
Thursday September 12, 2019
Condolence From: Katie Anthony
Condolence: Ms Pat, Stephanie, Shelley-Thank you for giving me the honor of walking along side you these past couple weeks. I will cherish my memories of Mr. Billy forever. I can’t help but smile every time I think about him and how he gave me “permission” to run in his neighborhood. Ms Pat, I will always be here for you. You are an amazing woman-such an inspiration of love and commitment. I am praying for you and your family. Love-Katie
Thursday September 12, 2019
Condolence From: Kay Scott
Condolence: My family only met Mr. Billy and Mrs. Pat a few times at events for Baron and Hannah but it didn't take long to realize what an amazing man he was and how much he loved his family and they loved him. It was a great privilege and honor to have even met him. I know his entire family will miss him so very much. God bless you all
Wednesday September 11, 2019