In Memory of





Condolence From: Libby Gerald
Condolence: Charlyn was one of the first neighbors I met when I moved to Browning Creek. She organized all social events and was secretary of the HOA board. This would not be the neighborhood it is today without her efforts. My deepest sympathy to the family, and cheers to Charlyn for a life well lived.
Thursday February 15, 2024
Condolence From: Mary Laws Meador Moni
Condolence: I am so sorry to hear about Charlyn's passing. We were such good friends growing up in Columbus. I still remember us running around the neighborhood and hanging out at Reece's Drug Store. We didn't see each other much after I moved to Atlanta but when we did, we just picked up where we left off. I am one of many who will really miss her.
Thursday February 15, 2024
Condolence From: Cathy Robertson
Condolence: I have only known Charlyn for a short time, but she was a joy to be around at our monthly neighborhood lunches and other events. We will all miss her very much. The family is in our prayers.
Wednesday February 14, 2024